Good morning (or afternoon or evening) everyone! I hope you had a fun and safe Fourth of July! Mine was filled with family, fellowship, food and fireworks! How did you celebrate yours?!
It's time for the Weekend Reading list but this week's is definitely on the shorter side! So let's hop to it!
Obsessed with this song. I first heard it almost a year ago and have been waiting for it ever since!
Dying over Julia's Santorini pictures. Someone take me there please.
Loved this article by Mackenzie over moving in with your significant other. It's a big step in the relationship and it's interesting to read everyone's viewpoints on it.
One place I am wanting to travel to so badly is England, especially Notting Hill! It's so picturesque!
20 things every blogger has thought. #RelevantAndRelatable
How cute are these DIY confetti poppers?! So cute for a gender reveal, bridal shower, wedding reception or birthday!
I've been looking everywhere for the perfect striped tee and finally found one! But it's all sold out *insert profusely crying emoji here*
This is the absolute most heartwarming video I've ever watched. I'm not gonna lie I teared up.
What you missed on 'of life and style':
Summer Staycation Ideas // Fun ideas on what to do at home this summer!
Another Black and Cognac Outfit // Sharing another outfit featuring one of my favorite color combos
That's it! I know super short. Hopefully next week's will be more exciting! Thanks for reading and I hope you all had a fun long weekend! Back to the grind tomorrow!
What have you been loving on the Internet? Leave me a comment sharing!

"sorry my weekend is all booked up"
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