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Will Smith keeps track of news about yourself with Google

To which we usually subscribe to the mail? For updates at your favorite online store, the latest news, or, for example, the selection of original recipes. But Mr. Will Smith, obviously, every day gets tons (gigabayty!) letters, dedicated to his own person - the actor admitted that he enjoys the function of Google Alert, which helps keep track of all the updates in the network, in which his name is mentioned.

It is through this "alarm clock" one evening Will found that "divorce" his wife Jada Pinkett-Smith. The point, by the way, it was last year (when a particularly active speculation about problems in the relationship of star spouses), but the actor told this case, only the other day:

about a year ago there were a lot of rumors that we Jada getting a divorce. Well, I use Google Alert, and I lie in bed - with Jada - and he tells me: "Jada Pinkett-Smith filed for divorce." And I was like, "Well yes it is madness!".

Well, the next few days the mail flow to your email address Will currently provided - and not only because of their own history, but also a loud declarations of his son

Recall the other day 15-year-old Jaden published in his "tweet" a series of comments critical of the school system. And if Smith Jr. also enjoys such "star alarm clock", then mail it to simply burst with letters.

Will Smith keeps track of the Internet article with mention of his name

Thanks to Google Alert, he learned that "divorce" with Jada Pinkett-Smith

Perhaps now Will Smith get letters about his son Jaden

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