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Store Review - Syndrome

Hello Princesses!

Today I'm going to be talking about a super cute store called Syndrome! I made a purchase from this store last year (yep, I buy a lot of stuff) because I really wanted to try a lighter coloured wig. I always wanted to have blonde hair as a child, but because my hair is really dark brown (not black) it's incredibly difficult to maintain a light colour without having to spend a lot of money and time to touch up your roots ever couple of months.
Website Practicality
I made my purchase through Storenvy which is a website that I love to shop on! It's super safe, it tracks your purchases, you can create massive wish lists, watch stores and search through all of the stores to find a certain product. The Syndrome Store is incredibly aesthetically pleasing, easy to browse through by types of clothing and accessories, but the search bar is pretty hidden down the very bottom of the page.
Price Comparison
There are massive price differences between quality wigs (around $50USD) and super cheap wigs (off Ebay for about $5USD) but I since I'm new to wearing wigs I didn't want to try my luck out with Ebay wig and decided to try out the middle ranged wigs.

Syndrome Wig - $34.50 + Shipping $0.00 = $34.50
Insomnia Wig - $30.00 + Shipping $10.00 = $40.00
Bodyline Wig - $20.00 + Shipping $22.00 = $42.00

I'm not sure if Syndrome is offering free shipping because of Chinese New Year, but hey, free shipping! It was quite difficult finding similar looking wigs let alone identical wigs!

Shipping and Packaging
My purchase took the standard three weeks to arrive from China and was wrapped well in plastic wrap. The wig was stored in a plastic zip lock baggie and in a light net to stop it from getting tangled. Syndrome does not provide free wig caps, so I bought one from Ebay for $1. Nothing was harmed during transit.

Finding a photo of this wig proved to be a little difficult since Syndrome no longer stocks it, but I found a photo lurking on Google Images. 
The first thing I noticed when opening the wig was that the colour was slightly off. On the original listing there were "real life photos" which showed the wig to be more of an ashy blonde, the above photo looks like a brown blonde and my wig looks more like a strawberry blonde.
It also shed a lot of hair when I picked it up. I wasn't running my fingers through it or brushing it either, it just shed clumps of hair.
The structure of the wig irritates me a lot. There is about 1/3 fringe and 2/3 long hair - barely. Either my head is super huge (a possibility for sure) or this wig is just cut weird because it's really hard to position the wig right to cover up the side hairs. Lets not even talk about how bald it looks on the top! No matter how I part it, this top section just looks wrong and a lot like a wig. The wig looks great with a hat or beanie, but in the 28 degree Celsius weather that I'm taking photos in, a beanie over a wig is the last thing I want to wear.
In all honesty, I'm not a fan of the colour of this wig unless I've colour corrected it (like below). It's just too strawberry and warm toned for my liking, not to mention that I need to wear a hat and pin the fringe to make it look legit.
What I Love
- Super cute selection of clothes and accessories
- Good selection of wigs
- Well priced (for the most part)

What I Don't Love
- Wig colour is quite different
- Wig structure and quality isn't fantastic

Final Thoughts
I feel incredibly under qualified to review and talk about wigs, so I will leave the comment section open to debate about the wigs quality! I actually enjoyed shopping with Syndrome and I would recommend the store for well priced clothes and accessories (I can't comment on the quality though!). I don't really like the colour and cut of this wig, but I really want to try and find a cute pastel pink or lavender wig in the future anyway! I'm also totally keen for these Sailor Moon sweaters from Syndrome though - how cute are they!!

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