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What's in your Bag

As you read this post, I’ll be out of town on a nice lil trip in celebration of ‘wait for it’, wait for it - MY BIRTHDAY! It rolls around in 3 short days on Tuesday the 1st of March and I am beside myself with excitement. For no reason whatsoever I love to announce my birthday to any and everyone that cares (or doesn’t care for that matter) to know. Just compliment my look on the 1st of March and you’ll hear, “thanks, it’s my birthday today” of course with a solid grin spread across my face. Honestly, a kid in a candy store doesn’t even begin to describe me on my birthday - HILARIOUS! I also tend to celebrate all month long. Don’t ask me why cos ‘thats just da way it iiiiz (in my Tupac voice) hehe.

I love the simplistic yet chic effect of an all white look. While screaming summer, it also makes a stylish late winter ensemble. Also a great inspiration for Spring /Summer that’s just around the corner. This crisp tailored pants paired with a mock ribbed turtle neck top look is a repeat offender styled previously here. This time I accented it with a clear lucite bag, goat hair collar, an orange coat off and on and a pair of green sling backs. 

I love the versatility of this clear lucite bag in terms of being able to switch out the colored inner pouches to match my getup or heck leaving it clear with the contents in full view like I did here. 

I carry big bags cos I haul a lot of things. This mini however fits only very few little items at a time and in most cases those would be lipstick and keys. This time it was just my phone. Gosh I have such a love hate relationship with the size of the iPhone 6plus. 

What’s in your bag?

Pants - Zara
Top - 
Bag - Old (similar here)
Fur Collar - Roksanda (here)

Thank you for stopping by and keep thinking the purple thoughts, Xo.
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