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Thursday Movie Picks: Movies Adapted from Young Adult Novels

Another Thursday, another round of Thursday Movie Picks. For the uninitiated, this is a weekly meme hosted by Wanderer at Wandering Through the Shelves. Click the link to her site to get the details on how to participate. You know you want in on this. Stop fighting it. Join us.

This week...well, this week...sigh...our topic is Movies Adapted from Young Adult Novels. My first reaction to this topic was to not post this week. Seriously. After all, I hate the Twilight series and most of its copy-cats, deplorable films like Vampire Academy, and the better, but still not good Beautiful Creatures. The one that I like, Warm Bodies, I've already picked for a previous Thursday and I'm pretty bent on not repeating myself. Both of The Hunger Games movies I've seen are "meh." The second being the better of the two, but it still didn't blow me away. Its clones range from 'okay' to 'no way.' The stuff that doesn't deal with the supernatural seems to be better, but let's face it, most of you are probably picking The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Therefore, I've no choice but to bend the rules to fit my tastes.

Even if you've never seen the movie or read the novel it's based on, you probably have a pretty good idea of what it's about so I'll not waste time on that. If you want more discussion about the film itself, click here for my full review. Anyhoo, you should know how the book, written by Mary Shelley, qualifies as a Young Adult novel. Just in case you don't, I'll give you a quick rundown. Back when it published there was no such category as Young Adult so nothing you research is going to say that it was. However, by most accounts Shelley was between the ages of seventeen and nineteen when she wrote it and merely twenty or twenty-one when it was published. I know that's not quite your definition, but it fits mine.

Yes, Carrie, the 1976 horror classic based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. How is this a Young Adult novel? Think about it. All the trouble starts when our heroine gets her period for the first time. It's also all about puberty and squirming from beneath the thumb of your parents. What could be more YA than that? By the way, click here check out my full review of it to find out why I'm not so sure it's a horror flick.

The Lovely Bones
Based on the novel of the same name by Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones follows Susie, a 14 year old girl who has already been murdered. She even tells us the identity of her killer right at the beginning. The question is whether or not regular folk will catch on, making this a murder mystery in reverse. For more of my two cents, click here for the full review. The book may or may not have been intended as a YA novel, but one thing is for certain: teens had a huge hand in making this a best-seller back in 2002. I guess it helps to have your book advertised in Seventeen magazine before it even hits shelves.

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