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Governor Ben Ayade's Sterling Leadership Is Fortune To Cross River State.

The managing director of Cross River State water board limited, Mr. Victor Effiom has appealed to Cross Riverians to abstain from by-passing water and the vandalization of water board facilities, such as meters and pipes, stating that the vandalization of water board facilities is a core factor that has impeded water board from the supply of water to every part of the state.

The managing director uttered that, Cross River State water board through the support of the Executive Governor of the state, senator(prof)Ben Ayade has attained culminate improvement in their operation and the staff are excellently working to ensure adequate production and supply of water to customers in the state, while he encouraged the customers to pay their bills on due dates to enable water board adequately produce, treat and supply safe and healthy water, for customers consumption in the state as Cross Riverians would soon enjoy twenty four hours none stop water supply.

The managing director stated that, water board which is committed to produce and circulate healthy water for human consumption deemed it necessary to bottle their water which has undergone essential purification and treatment for passengers consumption on board cally air craft and the same quality of water would be accessible to everybody living in Cross River and visitors coming in to do business in the state , while he advised that, all residents in Cross River State should patronize the cally air bottle water, as the production of the bottle water will engender job creation for the youths which is in consonance with the visions of senator(prof) Ben Ayade and also conduce to the internally generated revenue of the state.

Mr. Victor Effiom expressed that senator(prof) Ben Ayade's sterling leadership is a fortune to Cross River State, as senator(prof)Ben Ayade is a man whose vision for Cross River is so preponderate and as such, he is executing projects that are exceedingly impactful and beneficial to Cross Riverians and the forth coming generations. The Managing director applauded the Governor for the probity he has exhibited in Cross River State through his industrialization drive and another giant stride of advancing Cross River, into airline operations with the purchase of two aircrafts and constructing of the passenger and cargo airport at Obudu.

Mr. Victor Effiom declared how lucky and enraptured he is to serve under Senator(prof) Ben Ayade, as this has availed him the opportunity to learn and develop him self with vast knowledge and competence which he has learned from his Boss, the inexorable senator( prof) Ben Ayade, while encouraging the Governor to do more and he exhorted Cross Riverians to support the transformative efforts of his Excellency, senator(prof)Ben Ayade who means well for Cross River State.

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